
Prepares and repairs racing pigeons for the races

The perfect complimentary product to use with our Super Creatine Plus

Oxy - Toner; increases the concentration of fluid in the blood and tissue, mobilizes glycogen, releases oxygen to the energy-requiring cell process, enhances carbohydrate & fatty acid conversion and supplies a rich source of ATP and ATP building blocks for immediate cell energy replenishment. This product is highly concentrated and has the consistency of Molassas. Dosage is one teaspoon per gallon for two days prior to basketing. For quick recovery give after returning from a race.

In preparation for the Race

If you have already read my information on Super Creatine Plus then you know there is an absolute preformance enhancement available to our racing pigeons when they are optimally supplied with stores of Creatine Phosphate and ATP. Our Super Creatine Plus supplies the best source available for these creatine stores without the toxicity found in other creatine products. However, creatine supplimentation is not the complete package. In order to get the best utilization out of Creatine stores, your birds must have an abundance ATP building blocks available to them in order to produce optimal levels of ATP needed for cell energy muscle fiber contractions and to maintain those levels during the extent of the race

The ingredients in Oxy-Toner will supply many of the needed basic building blocks necessary for exceptional preform on race day. Below are several of the major areas addressed by our product:

Rejuvinates for fast recovery after a Race

Give Oxy-Toner and Super Creatine Plus after a race for fast recovery from muscle fatigue, breakdown and stress. Oxy-Toner will replenish depleted Phosphate, ATP and ATP building blocks stores after a race, promotes muscle and tissue repair, detoxifies the blood, kidneys and liver, and functions as an excellent hydration agent to quickly supply muscles and surrounding tissues with needed nutrients for fast recovery and muscle re-building before the next race.

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