Young Bird Special #1 ~ Fortified With All Natural Anti-Microbial Extracts

This special Youngbird Health and Performance Package, is only available to users of the Race Results pages and is not offered anywhere else on our website.

44 tsp container of Max Immune Plus

100 tsp container of YB Wellness Blend (New product only available through this offer)
(Contains: Show Stopper + Five Star + ViraMax + Bio-Fresh + Super B & Amino Complex)

48 tsp container of Muscle Toner (New product only available through this offer)

8 ounce bottle of Power Drops

Schedule of Use:

Day of return from race:

One teaspoon of Muscle Toner per 25 birds in the drinking water

Day after return from race:

One teaspoon of Max Immune Plus per 80 birds in the water

2nd Day after return from race:

One tablespoon of YB Wellness Blend per 50 birds on the feed (one meal only)
First apply 1/2 teaspoon of Power Drops to the feed then apply YB Wellness Blend

4th Day after return from race:

One tablespoon of YB Wellness Blend per 50 birds on the feed (one meal only)
First apply 1/2 teaspoon of Power Drops to the feed then apply YB Wellness Blend

5th Day after return from race:

One teaspoon of Muscle Toner per 25 birds in the drinking water
May move Muscle Toner to day of shipping,
if you are able to replace with fresh clean water at least 4 hours before basketing the birds.

Day of Shipping:

One teaspoon of Power Drops per 50 birds on the feed for the morning meal
May use Muscle Toner today instead of yesterday but you should change out
with fresh clean water at least 4 hours prior to taking the birds to the clubhouse

Young Bird Special Pricing:

The complete kit of products listed above (only availabe through this offer)

$74.33 (Includes flat rate Prioritiy Mail shipping)

To place orders, please call John at 949-496-4825

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