| Date of Race (__/__/____) | Release | Name of Club or Combine |
short champ loft north | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
short champ bird north | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
short ave north | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
Overall champ loft | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
overall champ bird north | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
Overall chamo bird | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
Overall ave speed | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
long champ loft | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
long champ bird | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
long ave speed | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
11/24/2015 | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
11/24/2015 | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
11/24/2015 | Point Standings | Greater Boston Concourse |
10/31/2015 | 2nd | Greater Boston Concourse |
10/31/2015 | 3rd | Greater Boston Concourse |
Results 1 - 15 of 80
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